
Dr. Jamal Martin
Jamal Martín, PhD, MPH – Director, Peace and Justice Studies, Faculty-Africana Studies/Family Community Medicine and Senior Fellow, RWJ Center for Health Policy - University of New Mexico. As a public health scientist-practitioner, African, and African Diaspora scholar, my proficiencies include assessment, policy development, and assurance of essential public health services; plus institutional change and development, social justice and healing, and violence prevention. As a scholar-activist, my praxis embodies integrated and transdisciplinary meta-theoretical methods and approaches to the knowledge of teaching research and service for building global health equity as a bridge to peace. Almae matres and alumnus Hawaii Pacific University, the School of Public Health -The University of Hawaii, College of Education- the University of New Mexico, with complementary scholarship performed within the School of Public Health-University of Michigan, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the O’Neill Institute, For National and Global Health Law-Georgetown Law - Georgetown University.